when you hold grudges, your hands aren’t free to catch the blessings

today, a friend posted “when you hold grudges, your hands aren’t free to catch the blessings.” Wow! this hit home. how much time have I wasted thinking about what could have been, instead of considering all that I have to be thankful for. I needed this. especially as I see posts about people fighting for their lives, with no loved ones around. or people saying goodbye to a family member without being able to hold a service. for the first time in my life, I did not leave one job and go directly into another. to me, this was tragic. but in retrospect, I am fortunate to have had a job I loved, have some time at home to reflect on life, then begin another job. it wasn’t my choice at the time, but it came with many blessings.


in a world of chaos… compromise


mending fences